Eddie is a leadership coach and management consultant. This blog is focused on research around human motivation, specifically in the workplace, adventures in travel, current events, and self-improvement.
Photo Credit: Chuck Revell
Motivation 3.0 is a phrase coined by Dan Pink, in his book, Drive. It's a synopsis of research done in the last 30 years on intrinsic motivation, engagement, and innovation. The idea is if people have autonomy, mastery, and purpose, they will be excited about what they do and the results will pay dividends. And it's how this blog got started.
Eddie has traveled across 40 countries and in his most recent adventure, he spent 6 months in Medellin, CO, and has been in Mexico for 3 years and just relocated to San Miguel de Allende. He has traveled by plane, train, bus, jeep, motorcycle, and by foot from the Philippines to Thailand. He rode a motorcycle over 4000 KM through Vietnam. He has been to Burning Man 12 times, and as a member of the Ranger Operations Team, he helped to build a complex, diverse, multifaceted team of 600 volunteers that focuses on non-confrontational mediation of participants. He has a BFA from the School of Design at UMASS Dartmouth and loves to make things.
With exponential growth in population and use of natural resources, global warming, the great recession, failing education programs, and a healthcare system that delivers mediocre care with unsustainable costs, we need to innovate more than ever. We know what works by way of empirical research and by demonstrated business successes.
We need to empower people and transform workplaces and keep pace with technology so that we can accelerate innovation. We have 50 years of empirical evidence backed up by successful businesses like WL Gore and Best Buy in the US and SEMCO in Brazil that tell us the best way to run our businesses. They teach us that environments that foster intrinsic motivation are the best way to set people’s minds free so they can innovate.